TownsCounty Civic Association
Towns County Civic Center
Hiawassee, 6-8 p.m.
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
President John Clemens welcomed all attending the annual June Membership Meeting, also celebrating our 20th Anniversary. Food filled 2 long tables and desserts filled another table. Even though extra tables and chairs were put out, there still were people who had to eat with plates in their laps.
Anna Denton and Joan Crothers were at the table by the door and had 90 people sign in–45 members and 45 guests. They also did a 50/50 which totaled $116. The man winning donated his half back to our treasury.
The President had a short business meeting with the Treasurer’s Report given by Larry Dietsch; Website Report by David West. Then the Civic Assoc. Board members were all introduced and were up for election. All members were voted back in with no candidates called from the floor.
Past presidents that were present were called up to the microphone: Ben Lilly, Noel Taylor and Michael Corey were present. Bill Blumreich, the very first president, introduced himself to Clemens and then left to go back to his visiting company. Liz Ordieles, former Mayor, also came forward to a standing ovation. She had just resigned on June 14th.
Invited speakers all showed up and had 15 minutes to speak and only took their time limit.
1. Ga. State House District 8 candidate Stan Gunter (Incumbent-R)
2. Charlotte Sleczkowski (D)
3. Cliff Bradshaw, spoke on affordable housing in the County: Valley Trail (YH), Big Sky Apts., and Cottage Hills Garden Apts. (Hiaw.).
4. Denise McKay, Economic Dir. for Y.H. & Hiaw., spoke on the Paris Business Center being restored, art project “Fireflies,” First Fridays on the Square, and DDA’s Fun-Raiser on 7/20/24.
5. Rosemary Royston spoke on Y. H. Main St. Program–promote anchor businesses, and design a walkable downtown.
6. Jay Chastain, Jr., Mayor Pro Tem., talked about only being in office a few days and a few problems, one was that the intake float broke at the Water Plant.
Everyone was thanked for coming and the meeting was adjourned shortly after 8 p.m. Many of the Board members and attendees stayed to put away chairs and tables and pack up leftovers.
Joan Crothers, Secretary