August 2021 Board Meeting Minutes


Board Meeting Minutes

August 18, 2021, 2 p.m.

Hiawassee Garden Clubhouse, Hiawassee

1.Opening Remarks: Michael welcomed all to the meeting.

Present: Michael Courey, John Clemens, Larry Dietsch, Joan Crothers, Gordy Jones,

David Best.

Excused: Anna Denton.

Quorum: Quorum present.

2. Secretary’s Report: Larry Dietschmade a motion to approve the minutes of the 7/14/21 meeting as previously emailed to the Board; seconded and approved as submitted.

3. Treasurer’s Report: Larry reported a balance of $3,281.05 as of July 31, 2021. Motion made by David Best to approve; seconded and passed. Larry said 14 dues have come in since this statement and will be reported next month.

4. Membership Report: Anna had reminded members about their dues when she sent the last Newsletter, thus 14 sent in to Larry. Now membership stands at 59 individual memberships, 34 households and 1HOA.

5. Website: David reported the money spent on new security software last month resulted in no more bad logins.

6. Old Business:

a. Hamilton Gardens Board Status: Gordy discussed the Gardens going through dissolution and liquidating their assets. He didn’t have much hope that the citizens group Herb Bruce has put together will be able to change anything in re: GMF or Commissioner. Also, no way to save the Gardens’ logo.

b. Board Membership suggestions: Stephen Soulen, the present minister at Sharp Memorial Methodist Church, has been invited to visit our meeting.

7. New Business

a. Newsletter: Complete during the month of December: Joan: Commissioner; Gordy: Hiawassee Mayor; John: Y.H. Mayor.

b. Donation Schedule for 2021-2022: Sept. – MountainTrue

Oct. – CASA

Nov.- Food Pantry

Mar.- Scholarship

c. Drug Abuse Program Meeting: To be held October 11, 2021; speakers: Tamala Harris-Coroner, Wendell Farmer-Lake Chatuge Hosp. Clinical Dir., Roy Perren,-Hi Sch. Principal, and Ken Henderson-Sheriff.

d. Hwy. 76 Safety: Commissioner meets next Thursday with GDOT about this.

e. GA Initiative for Community Housing Team; Look up on line.

8. Committee Assignments:

a. City of Hiawassee –Joan: The Mayor and 2 City Council seats are up for election with registration this week. (No one applied, so they are automatically back in.) A GEFA loan was paid off, “ saving taxpayers $200K, leaves around $1 mill. in old loan balances.” City designated a “Purple Heart City.” Chief Smith said the solar-powered tag readers at each end of City immediately relay info. on cars that are stolen, or in gang or terrorists activity.

b. City of Y.H.- Anna: No report.

c. Commissioner-Joan: Three roads in the County washed out by Hurricane Fred are being repaired; the Courthouse contractor has Covid so everything is on hold; Disposal Service Agreement was signed, but charges at T.C. Transfer Station probably will be going up soon; signed 911 Mapping Update Services w/Caliber for $4K. $5, 739 of SPLOST used for new Y.H. Fire Station. Callie Moore, MountainTrue, gave “Swim Guide” as “good water for 3 locations on Lake Chatuge.”

d. T.C. Water Authority- Michael: No news.

e. Chamber of Commerce: Has new T.C. Booklet now available at the office.

f. CVB-John: No report.

g. BRMEMC- No report.

h. County Planning Commission-David: Meeting cancelled.

i. Health DeptLarry: At July 22, meeting they reviewed the Environmental Reports, Nursing Report and Financial Reports. The financials look good with a fund balance of $477,465. In the comments from the District Health Director, Dr. Zachary Taylor, Covid-19 increased cases are estimated to be 83% from the Delta variant. The vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths are from the unvaccinated. Towns has a higher vaccination rate than the rest of the state. Still need to encourage the younger population to get vaccinated. All vaccines are effective for the Delta variant.

9. Other Business: None

Adjournment: No further business, motion to adjourn duly made.

Next Meeting: CHANGE IN DATE: Wed., Sept. 15th, 2 p.m. @ Hiawassee GardenClub.

Respectfully Submitted

/s/ Joan Crothers, Secretary